Friday, September 30, 2011

Rosh Hashanah

Happy New Year, everyone! We hosted our own Rosh Hashanah dinner this year, for friends. All credit for the delicious spread goes to Chef John.

From Rosh Hashanah

From Rosh Hashanah

From Rosh Hashanah

From Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hail to the Chief

When I grow up, I want to be a...
From Fire Chief

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Family Business

Last post from our weekend in Philly. Julian visited the world headquarters of Glo Glo's furniture empire.
From The Family Business
One day, son, all of this will be yours! (But, unfortunately, your house is too small to hold it all.)
From The Family Business
Enough pictures...let's sell some furniture already!
From The Family Business

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More from our Philly weekend

While in Philly for Mattie and Michelle's weekend, Julian took advantage of the chance to visit friendly people and places. He had dinner with Keiko and Erika at Lee How Fook.
From Philly Boy
And (like his daddy before him) petted the goat in Rittenhouse Square.
From Philly Boy
And enjoyed tickles in the park.
From Philly Boy

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mazel Tov, Mattie and Michelle!

On Sunday, cousin Mattie got married in Philadelphia. We are very excited to welcome Michelle into the family! The wedding was a lot of fun and it was great to see Leibovitzes from distant western states.

The rehearsal dinner was at the Continental, in Old City, not far from where we used to live (in the pre-Buddy era).
From Mattie's Wedding
Julian practiced his disco moves in the hallway at the Continental.
From Mattie's Wedding
The wedding and reception took place at an historic building not far from where John grew up.
From Mattie's Wedding
John's assignment was to hand out the kippahs.
From Mattie's Wedding
The ceremony was beautiful...
From Mattie's Wedding
...and so were the newlyweds!
From Mattie's Wedding
It was great to see all of our Leibovitz cousins in one place: Mattie, David, and Arianna.
From Mattie's Wedding
Julian stayed home with our friends Dr. Bob and Mary Ellen, but made a surprise post-nap appearance just in time to dance with us.
From Mattie's Wedding

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Julian took his first steps on August 1st, but it was another 3+ weeks before he was truly walking. Now, he can't be stopped! He can even multi-task: here he is walking and eating a cracker...

From Walking!

...and mowing the lawn one-handed. (Daddy can't even do that!)

From Walking!