Saturday, December 31, 2011

Philly in December

We saw lots of folks during a quick visit to Philly at the end of 2011. We ate bagels and hit the playground with John's cousin Mattie and cousin-in-law Michelle... as you can see, Julian and Mattie had some very deep and philosophical conversation.

From Philly in December

We saw John's childhood friend Seth and his family, in allllll the way from California!

From Philly in December

From Philly in December

Barbara, a longtime Leibovitz friend and neighbor, cooked Julian a meatloaf and noodles - and gave him a fascinating truck book...

From Philly in December

And we finished the next day with a family lunch of pizza and presents!

From Philly in December

From Philly in December

Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas

We were back in Palmyra for Christmas, where Julian got some quality time with Santa (at cousin Marcia's Christmas Eve party.) He was wary at first, but inched closer when Santa had a gift for him.

From Christmas

From Christmas

He put on his pajamas and stayed late 'til the party ended!
From Christmas

We spent Christmas morning playing. Julian loved banging on Grandma & Pop-Pop's piano, and singing the seasonal "Baa Baa Black Sheep" (his version is Baa Baa Bah Eep.)

From Christmas

We had Christmas lunch with the Dostichs, where Julian fought the cat for the right to sit in a box...

From Christmas

From Christmas

From Christmas

He also worked off his meal at the playground with Pop-Pop.

From Christmas

He spent a good deal of Christmas night in this pop-up tunnel. It was a great day!

From Christmas

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Hanukkah

Here are a few pictures from Hanukkah at home, including John's now famous latkes, and Julian with his favorite Hanukkah gift - a baby stroller.

From Happy Hanukkah

From Happy Hanukkah

From Happy Hanukkah

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas comes early

We spent the weekend before Christmas in Palmyra, to have our "family Christmas" with Uncle Doug, Aunt Katie, Kyra, Daria and of course Grandma and Pop-Pop. Here are a bunch of photos from our great weekend.

Before Julian wore his cousins out:

From Christmas comes early

And after:

From Christmas comes early

A great holiday dinner by Grandma!
From Christmas comes early

Julian discovers that yes, big noggins run in the family...

From Christmas comes early

Kyra and Daria played so nicely with their little cousin!
From Christmas comes early

From Christmas comes early

The girls painted amazing pictures for Grandma and Pop-Pop to hang up - what a great present!

From Christmas comes early

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday trains

At the US Botanic Gardens...

From Holiday trains

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving in Philly with the Leibovitz side of the fam. Julian had a great time with his cousins!

From Thanksgiving

From Thanksgiving

From Thanksgiving

From Thanksgiving

From Thanksgiving

From Thanksgiving

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fall yard work

Julian was very busy this weekend, helping Daddy rake...

From Fall yard work

From Fall yard work

And mowing the sidewalk.

From Fall yard work

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mt. Vernon

We visited George Washington's home this past weekend. 5 bedrooms, no baths, and a great view!

From Mt. Vernon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


On Monday night Zayda and Glo Glo were in town for some spooooky fun! Julian was a hamburger, Daddy a hot dog, and Mommy the Executive Chef.
From Hilloween '11
Glo Glo went as a biker chick and Zayda was...her jewish Grandmother (we think).
From Hilloween '11
Halloween is a big deal on Capitol Hill!
From Hilloween '11
From Hilloween '11
We went to Eastern Market for "Hilloween".
From Hilloween '11
We saw lots of little friends, including this strawberry (a.k.a. Rebecca).
From Hilloween '11
We tried not to think too hard about what we were eating.
From Hilloween '11
From Hilloween '11
Later, we went trick or treating. Here is Julian taking candy from our next door neighbor, Abbott.
From Hilloween '11
Julian pulled in quite a haul. Mommy and Daddy look forward to eating it! (Maybe next year, little guy.)
From Hilloween '11

Friday, October 28, 2011

First Haircut

We try to keep things happy on this blog, but even the happiest boy in the world has his dislikes... and Julian did NOT like his first haircut!

From First Haircut

Everything except the haircut part was fun though! We went to Cookie Cutters in Ohio, and they really go all out for kids. Here, Julian is driving the car he sat in for the haircut.

From First Haircut

All done, handsome boy!
From First Haircut