Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Capitol Birthday

Yesterday was Monica's birthday, so it was time to par-tay! Ok, so par-tay-ing these days isn't exactly the same as it was a few years ago. For one thing, it was just the three of us. But we had fun! First, we opened presents and cards.

From A Capitol Birthday!

Julian wanted to give mommy something special so he gave her a froggie to put in her garden. "Mommy must like froggies," Julian said, "since she likes to dress me in froggie pajamas."

From A Capitol Birthday!

(In case you were wondering, Daddy gave mommy a nifty label maker.)

Next we went to We the Pizza for birthday dinner. (This is the new place just opened by the guy who was on Top Chef.) Monica enjoyed a slice...

From A Capitol Birthday!

...and made a wish...

From A Capitol Birthday!

...and Julian had a good nap.

From A Capitol Birthday!

Next we walked over to the Capitol. (Just a few blocks away!) Julian did his best Strom Thurmond impersonation...

From A Capitol Birthday!

...but soon he roused for a vote.

From A Capitol Birthday!

Our original plan was to see the U.S. Army band perform on the Capitol steps, but for some reason they canceled their concert. (Maybe they looked at the weather was pretty humid out there.) But we still were able to enjoy a summer evening together and take in the views.

From A Capitol Birthday!

Happy birthday, Monica!

From A Capitol Birthday!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Grandma & Pop-Pop

A few weeks ago my Grandma & Pop-Pop came to visit for a whole week!  We did so many things, like read books, sing, walk in loops around the house, look at lights on the ceiling... I smiled a lot. 
From Grandma & Pop-Pop
I only like taking naps if I am on a person, so I got to have a lot of good sleep by snuggling with them.
From Grandma & Pop-Pop

From Grandma & Pop-Pop

That Grandma cracks me up!
From Grandma & Pop-Pop

I love my dangling Elephants AND my Pop-Pop!
From Grandma & Pop-Pop

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All in a Day's Work

Today Mommy and I went to visit Daddy's work. Apparently it's a place where they make words. I don't know any words yet, but that didn't stop me from helping him make some! (I told Daddy he should consider working in a milk factory or maybe be a fireman.)

From All in a Day's Work

We got to meet lots of nice people who held me and even fed me!

I was very sad when I found out it would be a loooong time before I could go to work like Daddy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big, tall and wiggly

Now that Julian is much bigger (13+ pounds!) he is finally the right size to enjoy his Kickin' Coaster. If you kick your feet on this crazy invention, it plays music, flashes lights, and propels you backward. He really cracks himself up on this gizmo.

From Kid on a Coaster

The concentration is intense...

From Kid on a Coaster

Monday, August 9, 2010

Swaddle swaddle swaddle

Mommy and Daddy try very, very hard to get me to sleep at night. But I like to stay awake. Awake! Awake awake! Mommy thinks I prop open my eyelids with toothpicks!

The one tried-and-true method to get me to sleep is/was my Miracle Blanket. I get my arms and legs all wrapped up, snug as a bug.

From Sleep (or the act of trying)

The bad news is I outgrew it, and without being wrapped up all snug, I wake myself up allllll night long.

The good news is, a desperate Mommy paid an $18 overnight shipping fee to get me a Woombie. After one night, the jury is still out on whether the Woombie will ultimately work. But I sure look cute in it!

From Sleep (or the act of trying)

PS - I graduated from my bassinet in Mommy and Daddy's room, to my OWN crib in my very OWN room!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Arrival

Last weekend we welcomed a new arrival into our family. We also said goodbye to an old friend. First, the sad part.

From New Arrival

Lil' Blue, we're gonna miss you! We hope your new owner loves you and appreciates you for your zippiness and for being so easy to find in a parking lot. You and Monica traveled a long road together (111,000 miles, to be exact)...from DC to New Jersey and back again. And still going strong! (Except for the air conditioning....but who needs AC when you can crank open a window and let the, uh, cool DC summer air inside.)

From New Arrival

So we decided it was time to move on. Actually, it was Julian who said, "mommy and daddy, how are you ever going to fit all my stuff in the car?" And it only took one trip to the Shore to prove that he was right. So we headed over to our (surprisingly) friendly neighborhood car dealer to look for something bigger.

From New Arrival

Now we welcome...Little Silver? Big Silver? Sylvia? least we know she's a she (Monica insists). Maybe Julian will name her once he learns how to talk. In the meantime, we will enjoy new technologies like air conditioning and power windows. And we'll carry a lot of stuff!

Road trip, anyone?


The torch is passed from one generation to the next...

From Nerds!