Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playground in Palmyra

Our recent, quick trip to Palmyra included a visit to the lovely playground across the street from Grandma and Pop-Pop's. Julian loves the little house the most, especially when Pop-Pop is on the other side of the window.
From Playground in Palmyra, inside & out

He also loved the slide in the living room! Cousin Marcia showed him how to roll cars (and other objects) down, and Julian went bonkers, laughing and saying "UH OH!" every time.
From Playground in Palmyra, inside & out

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Day

For father's day #2 we opened presents at home then went to dim sum (now an annual tradition!) with our friends Laura, Chris, and Javi.

From Father's Day 2011

From Father's Day 2011

From Father's Day 2011

From Father's Day 2011

From Father's Day 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Shore, Part 2: Boarwalk!

Oh Boardwalk, how I love you! Where to begin? I loved driving the boat, watching the skeeball, and otherwise hanging out in the arcade at Playland.
From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

And then there was the pizza. Mommy's favorite pizza in the whole, wide world: Mack & Manco's. Apparently, I am genetically predisposed to love it too.
From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

Here, you have to try it!
From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

And then the train! I went on TWICE!
From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

From The Shore, Part 2: Boardwalk!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Shore

Last weekend, we made it to the Jersey shore for the first time this season.   Aunt Cara was there from Canada for her annual visit, and Julian got to play with his dear cousins Leo (3 1/2) and Flora (16 months.)  

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

Julian was not particularly enamored of the sand.  His favorite beach activity was eating Cheerios with Flora.  (In this photo, Julian has on his Daddy's hat.  That's right - it's not even big on him!  That's because Julian's head is in the 97% percentile - yowza!)

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

Julian and Daddy with the iconic Longport, NJ water tower in the background...

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

The kiddos and the crabs...
From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

Sunset on the bay...

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

Playing in the yard...

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

From The Shore, Part 1: Beach, Crabs, and Backyard

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spring Friends

Here's Julian hanging out with a few of his friends: longtime pals Thaddeus, Annabel and Rebecca... and new neighborhood pals Daphna and Mira.

From Spring Friends

From Spring Friends

From Spring Friends

From Spring Friends