Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two feet tall

That's right, I'm standing! Mostly.
From Stand & Clap

See all this blurry hand action? It's because I'm clapping! Probably because I like the music, or because there's some kind of exciting food or a Daddy just out of the frame...
From Stand & Clap

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rockin' with Daddy

Daddy came to music class on Friday, and the boys rocked out.
From Rockin' with Daddy

Daddy is preparing Julian to play keyboards in their band.
From Rockin' with Daddy

Little blue-eyes got a blue smiley sticker for being good in music class.
From Rockin' with Daddy

Monday, March 21, 2011

Enter the Dinos

Most people decorate the baby's room before the baby arrives. We did it at 10+ months. But better late than never! Glo Glo and Daddy powered through the task on Sunday, and Julian has some new dinosaur friends. Click on the blue link ("Enter the Dinos") below this photo to see the results!

From Enter the Dinos

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Glo Glo and Zayda came to visit for the weekend, and we all went to a party for Purim (a Jewish holiday.) Kids celebrate Purim by dressing up, and Julian put on a monkey suit for the occasion. Julian spent most of his energy playing with toys and eating pizza crust.

From Purim

From Purim

From Purim

Friday, March 18, 2011

Old Friend, New Friends

Julian has known his friend Jessie since she was a week old! We now have music class together every Friday.

From Old Friend, New Friends

Julian is still meeting a lot of our friends for the first time... most recently, our friend Mike who was in from NY.

From Old Friend, New Friends

And Brenda, who was in town from California...

From Old Friend, New Friends

And Julian's newest friend of all.. the still-in-utero Baby Boy Hsu, who is now overdue... we all want him to hurry up and come out (his mom Laura, especially!)

From Old Friend, New Friends

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I just need my arms to grow a tiny bit, and then I can play this thing...

From Guitar

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Playground Weather

It's been hitting the 50 degree mark, so we've been hitting the playgrounds, most recently with our friends Bruce and Annabel.
From Playground Weather

As you can see, Julian is doing a great job standing and leaning.
From Playground Weather
Julian's new early-spring jacket from Grandma has bear ears. The first day he wore it, Julian discovered the ears and held them for the whole stroller ride.
From Playground Weather

The old stand-by, the dump truck, still generates daily excitement. Ernie is a good sport.
From Playground Weather

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kids Meal & More

It turns out that restaurants love to give kids free stuff to lure parents inside - what a discovery! Last Sunday, we took advantage of our first FREE kids meal. Julian ordered the grilled chicken strips, broccoli, and a roll. We made a huge, huge mess.

From Kid's Meal & More

This looks like a kid about to crawl, right? It's a mirage. Julian will now hurl his body toward anything, stand propped against things for a long time, roll, spin... but no crawl. Anything but crawling.

From Kid's Meal & More

Julian remains a music lover and a rock star at music class.
From Kid's Meal & More

Our little nudist does not like seeing Mommy approaching with a shirt.
From Kid's Meal & More

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Anniversary

February 28th was our 2nd wedding anniversary. We had an awesome dinner at The Source, inside the Newseum. In fact, it was the very place that the President took Michele for her birthday in January. It was nice to prove to ourselves that spit-up, poopy and all, we still have some "fancy" in us! And this, my friends, is the "Chocolate Purse with Peanut Butter Ice Cream." We could have eaten 30 of them.

From Anniversary

Grandma and Pop-Pop came for the weekend and watched Julian during our night out. He was psyched to eat Cheerios to his heart's content and stay up late!

From Anniversary