Monday, May 31, 2010

Portraits of a Little Guy

Here are some pictures of what I do all day...

And then, I wear myself out.

[See more photos here]

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cultivating Our Garden

We've been in our DC home for about 7 months. Until last weekend, we were probably most famous to our neighbors for having the shaggiest, saddest front yard on the block. Thankfully, Bubby Glo Glo knows a thing or two about gardening, and made some quick plans and a Home Depot run with John. Voila - a real yard! (if we can remember to water it.) Julian likes being outside, probably because of the neighborhood noise... birds, cars, kids playing basketball. He also likes helping Daddy... note that we usually do a better job of holding his neck and head than this, but he looks adorable, right? He's smaller than the head of a rake! (and that's the child size rake John accidentally bought last Fall!)  [More photos]

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bubby Glo Glo Visit

Bubby is the Yiddish word for grandma, and this is Julian's Bubby Glo Glo (for Gloria.) We had a great visit - she snuggled Julian on the sofa, cooked up a storm, and did a ton of work in our yard (see next post)... we wore her out, but I think she liked it that way! [More photos]

Friday, May 21, 2010

Visit from New Haven

Wait, there's a SECOND guy in the universe who wears a suit, besides my Daddy? Very confusing...

Thanks for visiting us on your business trip from New Haven, Steve!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Julian - So Big!

Today's doctor appointment confirmed it - our boy is getting SO big! He is now 6 lbs., 10 oz. That's a whole pound bigger than a week ago! We had a hunch, as he's been showing us his might in many ways. Lately he's more awake and alert, he loves to track the mobile on his Ocean Wonders swing with his eyes, and he's STRONG - grabbing, throwing, kicking, &tc. [Check him out in these photos, flexing his muscles!]

Monday, May 17, 2010

Julian's tricks

Julian has earned himself a new nickname - little Houdini. Somehow, he is constantly managing to escape his own clothing. His favorite trick is to wriggle his leg out of his pajamas, as seen here. He squirms it through the spaces between the snaps and then kicks hard enough to pop a few open. [Click for more photos]

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Neighborhood Stroll

Ah, the benefits of being a Spring baby! We've taken advantage of the weather to show Julian around his neighborhood (before the sweltering DC summer sets in.) One downside of Capitol Hill's historic brick streets: bumpy, bumpy stoller ride. Julian seems to find it soothing - he is a champion napper in the stroller. Also, the ride's gotten smoother with the introduction of Cousins Leo & Flora's outgrown Bugaboo. [More photos]

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Sharpshooter

Question: What do these things have in common? The wall in Mommy & Daddy's bedroom. The window in Julian’s bedroom. Mommy's face. Julian’s face. Mommy & Daddy's bed. The hardwood floor. The back of the sofa.

Answer: They are places where Julian, with the skill of a sharp-shooter, has peed in recent days

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day

Julian came out just in time for mother's day! (He pointed this out in his card to mommy.) We were happy that other moms we love could join Monica for this special day. Monica received some nice gifts (including a locket from Julian, who shamelessly included a picture of his little self!) Zayda also gave daddy some family heirlooms. [Click for photos]

The Bris

Julian had his bris, a Jewish ritual that connects a baby boy to the people of Israel. Although a bit nerveracking, everyone did great. We were joined by Grandma Kay, Pop Pop Leo, Bubby Glo Glo, Zayda Norman, Aunt Sandy, Cousin Gail, and our dear friends Jeremy and Katie. After the ceremony we chowed down (another Jewish ritual) and celebrated this milestone in Julian's life, before proceeding to Mother's Day festivities...
[View photos]

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Julian's First Week Home

Some more photos of our first week home with the boy. Grandma came to visit and was a huge help! [Click to view photos]

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Julian's first home bath! Mommy worked wonders with a sponge. Now he is clean as a whistle.

[Click for more photos]

Settling In

Today was Julian's first full day at home. He napped and met a new friend (the Lorax). Mommy and daddy napped too. And grandma came to help us settle in. [See More Photos]

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Doctor, Doctor

Julian had his first official doctor's appointment today. There was a scheduling snafu that made mommy even more outraged than usual about our healthcare system, but in the end everything was fine. Julian got to see a very nice and smart doctor and she gave him a clean bill of health! He is gaining weight and passed his physical exam. This made mommy a lot happier about the healthcare system. (And daddy too.) Julian is excited to come back in a few days and show the doctor how much progress he is making! [Click for More Photos]

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homeward Bound

Today Julian graduated from Sibley Hospital's special care nursery and we returned to Capitol Hill as a family. With little Julian our new house feels much more like a home! As the photo shows, Julian was met by a very cuddly welcome party. [Click for More Photos]

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome, Baby Julian!

Julian Alex Leibovitz was born on April 27th at 3:10 AM, weighing 5 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 18 ½ inches long.

Julian demonstrated his precociousness by arriving 5 weeks early, but is doing well and should come home in a few days. Mom is doing great too!

[Click for More Photos]